
ViaStrada's Jon Ashford was recently awarded his Master of Engineering in Transportation from the University of Canterbury. Jon, an associate and senior engineer at ViaStrada, has six years' experience in traffic engineering together with over 30 years' experience working in the consulting engineering environment.

Congratulations Jon!


ViaStrada's Axel Wilke is a member of the NZ Transport Agency's recently announced cycle safety panel. The panel, which aims to improve cycle safety for cyclists in New Zealand, was formed following a recommendation made in November 2013 at the conclusion of a coronial review of cycling safety in New Zealand. The Transport Agency selected a group of ten New Zealand-based experts to develop recommendations for making the country’s roads safer for cycling.

Statistics New Zealand has released the 2013 travel to work census data, and cycling participation has increased since the previous census was taken. In 2006, the proportion of people cycling to work on census day was 2.5% nationwide. By 2013, this had increased to 2.9%, which represents an increase of 13%. Staff working for road controlling authorities or consultants should recognise this increase in popularity, and if there are gaps in your professional knowledge, attending one of our training courses might be a good idea.

The ViaStrada office will close for the holidays on Tuesday 24 December and reopen on Monday 6 January 2014. We wish you a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you in 2014.

The Fundamentals of Planning and Design for Cycling course is about to turn 10.  The brainchild of Axel Wilke was first taught on 3 June 2003.  A detailed history of the course, including how it fitted into the transportation planning system back in the early years of the new millennium, and what has been achieved through the course, can be found on our website.  As at mid-2013, 812 people have attended the course over 48 training courses so far.

Read more.

There's a variety of names around for this cycle network tool. Originally, they were called Bicycle Boulevards. Neighbourhood Greenways then became a name that has maybe become most common now. We haven't got any of them in New Zealand yet, but Dunedin is about to establish some, and there they are called Quiet Streets. So what exactly is it?

A basic definition is: "A roadway with low motor traffic volumes and speeds designed to provide a safe, attractive, convenient and comfortable cycling environment." So basically it's a piece of quiet road where cyclists share the space with cars. But will that work, you may ask? Yes, it's been used very successfully in many cities around the world. Where can I have a look at an example? Well, nobody has ever done it before in New Zealand. You expect this to work with New Zealand drivers? Well, unlike many good cycling inventions, this concept does not come from Europe, but from the car-loving United States. And if it works there, there's no reason why it wouldn't work here.

ViaStrada has been commissioned by VicRoads to undertake research on bicycle lane separators. Two trials are underway in Christchurch, and we are now looking for feedback. You can participate in the survey via SurveyMonkey or our Facebook page. Just follow one of the links. A survey should take you two to three minutes and will make you feel great by having contributed to some useful research!

We've moved again, but this time not very far. We are now in a different part of Pomeroy's; just through the wall, really. This is now our permanent office and it's a great space over two levels.

Will cycle lanes increase safety of cyclists at roundabouts? Will narrow lane separators be effective to keep cars out of cycle lanes?

The fourth Bike Futures Conference, the annual conference organised by the Bicycle Network, will be held in mid October 2012 in Melbourne.  ViaStrada director Axel Wilke will give two presentations at the conference, reporting on progress on two research projects and answering the questions above. See you in Melbourne.

NZTA has been publishing their research reports on their website for the last few years, and this online resource is rather valuable. Older research reports were previously only available for purchase. Just in case you didn't see it, they stated the following in their latest NZTA research newsletter:

"PDF scans of research reports published prior to 2005 are available by emailing"

We have added the scan of Research Report 230 to our website.