
postersWhat an inspiring conference in Auckland! The theme for the 2021 Transportation Conference is 'Decarbonising Transport'. ViaStrada has contributed two papers, which have both been presented as posters.

BikingWe are looking back on a few exhilarating days! The 2WALKandCYCLE Conference last week made sure that walking and cycling becomes everyone’s business. Lots of familiar faces and some new connections. Really interesting conversations, great insights, and a good collection of best practice examples. Once again, we concluded it is all about people and creating safe and supportive environments.

ViaStrada contributed to the programme in several ways. 

E-mobility surveyCommissioned by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, ViaStrada conducted a speed, gender and device type survey in 2020 at several sites in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch to update previous surveys in 2017 and 2018. The research revealed some interesting results. Their implication on the geometric design of facilities is being incorporated into Waka Kotahi online guidance.

Webinar announcement Thursday 28 Jan 2021 ViaStrada hosted the webinar: The benefits of speed management. 

Quay StDates for the first tranche of urban street design workshops in 2021 have been confirmed for Christchurch (1-2 Mar), Auckland (8-9 Apr) and Wellington (19-20 Apr). Developed in collaboration with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, expert practitioners from Abley, MRCagney and Viastrada will introduce best practice and guidance on multi-modal urban streets design via presentations and group discussions and design exercises. Register now!

2020 xmas2020 is coming to an end. What a crazy year it’s been. But we’ve weathered the storm better than most other countries; thank you to everybody for doing their part. We can and should be most grateful to live in New Zealand. We wish all our colleagues and contacts a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

Close-up of 2-aspect cycle signalsViaStrada are currently conducting the final evaluations of "2-aspect cycle signals" at two locations in Dunedin.  Please help us out by participating in the survey:

trophyThe annual Transportation Group’s Canterbury / West Coast Branch Quiz Night is over for 2020. The theme was lockdown and the outcome is that we will lock down the trophy for another year.

QR codeViaStrada is researching the needs of e-Mobility (e-Bike, e-Scooter, etc) riders to improve accessibility and safety. For this we are seeking e-Mobility riders who like to share their experience with us. What do you need as a rider of an e-Bike, e-Scooter, or other electrically driven device?

This surveys will add to already collected data in 2018 and 2017.

zoomDue to the potential impacts of COVID-19, our staff are currently working at home. Please see individual contact details to phone/email a staff member and to arrange any meeting if necessary (video-conferencing preferred if possible).